Year 5
Year 5 Team
Class Teacher: Miss Mehta
Teachers: Mrs Goulden and Mr Hahn (Friday afternoon)
Teaching Assistants: Miss Ellis, Mr Hahn, Mrs Brotherton, Mrs Fleming
PE Days
Thursday - Swimming (school uniform + swimming kit to be carried)
Maths: Spend 80 minutes a week practising Times Tables and we will also be sending out some Flashback 4 sheets as homework to be brought in on Thursday along with other homework.
Reading - Spend 80 minutes a week reading at home. This could be aloud to a family member or reading by themselves.
Spelling – The green spelling books will continue as in previous years. These will be tested across Thursday and Friday.
Homework Diaries - to be brought in along with homework. Children must record what they have completed each week, which should be signed off by an adult.
Autumn Newsletter
Reading List